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We offer the following types of expertise

Type of expertise

Cost, UAH

Time of performance , working days


12 0000

up to 30


8 000

up to 12


5 000

up to 5


2 000

up to 3

Samples Plus

3 500

up to 3

Express check

5002 000



3 000

up to 5


Expert conclusion EXPRESS is the optimal type of research of applied art objects, numismatics and faleristics, made of metals and their alloys.

The volume of the document is up to 10 pages. Investigation allows to confirm the preliminary data of art (stylistic) analysis or refute them.

An expert conclusion EXPRESS includes:

– visual analysis and microscopic study of an object with photo-fixation.

– UV-fluorescence analysis

– XRF analysis — a non-destructive method to determine of the object’s alloy composition.

Cost — 5 000 Hrn. Time of performance – up yo 5 days.

The cost of issuing a duplicate is 300 Hrn.

Download an example of expertise EXPRESS



Expert conclusion PASSPORT is the optimal type of research if you are cataloging a collection of art objests.

The volume of the document is up to 3 pages. Examination is carried out by optical non-destructive research methods and make it possible to fix the state of preservation of the work and to identify restoration interventions.

An expert conclusion PASSPORT includes:

– visual analysis and microscopic examination of the object

– visual analysis and microscopic examination of the signature

analysis of the signature in the ultraviolet (UV) range

– investigation of the signature in the infrared (IR) range

Cost — 2500 Hrn.

Time of performance – up to 5 days.

Download example of expertise PASSPORT 



Экспресс-проверка состава сплава предметов декоративно-прикладного искусства, нумизматики и фалеристики, изготовленных из металлов и их сплавов.

Экспресс-проверка включает исследования методом РФА (1–3 пробы), результаты анализа представляются в виде таблиц (интерпретации состава не осуществляется).

Стоимость — 500-1500 грн. (в зависимости от веса, размера и формы предмета). Срок исполнения – в течение 1 рабочего дня.

Скачать пример экспертизы ЭКСПРЕС-ПРОВЕРКА 




Expert conclusion COMPLEX is a full scientific and technological research with a detailed description and report.

The volume of the document starts from 50 pages, including the recorded spectra and tables. Examination allows you to determinate the time of creation of an art object in the range of 25-35 years.

An expert conclusion COMPLEX includes:

complete visual analysis including microscopic study of an object by dividing the surface in quadrants: a study of texture, features of brushstrokes, shape and type of craquelure in different areas with photographic images, description and preliminary conclusions based on the research findings.

a detailed analysis in the ultraviolet (UV) range with photo-fixation of the fluorescence of individual pigments, organic dyes and varnishes and their preliminary identification. Isolation of the areas that have been exposed to the restoration and re-writing in order to exclude them from the research process and / or to select them in a separate category.

full investigation in the infrared (IR) range with dividing the object into quadrants with photo-fixation and detailed description of each area.

complete X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of ground and paint layer composition (at least 20 samples depending on the size of the object of study) with printing out an enlarged photo, indexing and coordinates of sampling as well as the attachment of XFA spectra for each area with the complete identification and preliminary conclusions.

full analysis by Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) allows to determine the type of binder in the paints, organic dyes, coatings and pigments not detected by the XRF analysis the samples were examined, and their complex identification. The table with full results of ATR-FTIR studies is presented in Appendix. The Appendix contains with indexation and coordinates of sampling and the attachment of IR spectra of each sample with the complete identification and preliminary findings.

Cost — 12 000 UAH. Time of performance – at least 30 days.

The cost of issuing a duplicate is 1000 UAH. Time of performance – 2 days.

Download example of expertise COMPLEX


Samples Plus

Expert conclusion Samples Plus is the result of research of up to 5 samples of the support, ground, paint layer, that was taken by the client from the art object.

The volume of the document is up to 2 pages. Expert conclusion includes input data provided by the client and DOES NOT INCLUDE a photo of the object. Examination allows to establish the time of creation of an object in the range of 35-50 years.


An expert conclusion Samples Plus includes:

microscopic analysis of samples

– X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF)

– Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

Cost — 3500 UAH. Time of performance – up yo 3 days. 

The cost of sampling in the laboratory – 500 UAH.


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Working hours

Monday-Thursday - from 10:00 to 18:00 Friday - from 10:00 to 17:00 Saturday, Sunday - closed During martial law, we work by prior arrangement.


Address: Kyiv, Kyianivskyi lane, 3-7, office 203

Telephone: +38 044 272 3745,  +38 093 843 8799

                     +38 067 810 2898
E-mail: info@art-lab.com.ua