Our equipment
The key factor of the expertise is the availability of high-tech equipment – the research instruments of the latest generation.
The research of art objects is carried out by the following methods:
Optical microscopy provides information about technical and technological features of art objects and the degree of their preservation
Analysis under the ultraviolet (UV) light allows to study the fluorescence of varnishes, pigments, dyes and to identify their nature, as well as to detect previous restoration interventions and retouches.
Analysis within the infrared (IR) region can be used to reveal underpaintings, underdrawings, obscured or faded inscriptions, to read through embedded dirt, to reveal details of the technique or the changes in composition or any type of intervention, as well as to provide indications for the presence of certain pigments and inks.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis is an analytical method to determine the the elemental composition of ground, paint layer, identification of the elemental composition of the paper and inks of books and documents as well as analysis of metal objects.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) analysis is an analytical method for the identification of paint binders, organic dyes and pigments as well as the type of surface varnishes. Studies by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy make it possible to determine the oil binder aging and wood aging degree.
Comparative analysis with reference bases of pigments, dyes, binders and bases (based on more than 100,000 compounds) and literature data.
Microscopic analysis (optical and digital)
Analysis includes investigation of the signature, provides information about technical and technological features of art objects and the degree of their preservation, determination of the paining support feature as well as the type of printmaking techniques.
Our equipment:
stereoscopic microscope MBS-10 | digital USB-microscopes: DigiMicro (with the ability to enlarge the image up to 200x, resolution 1.2Mpx) and SIGETA Expert (the ability to enlarge the image from 10x to 300x, resolution 5.0Mpx) |
Analysis under the ultraviolet (UV) light:
Analysis allows to study the fluorescence of varnishes, pigments, dyes and to identify their nature, as well as to detect previous restoration interventions and retouches.
Our equipment:
modified Canon XSi camera equipped with the “Pro-HD IR1K” filter (1000nm) | a specially designed miniature powerful UV lamp with a reflector and a wireless UV LED irradiator are used |
Analysis within the infrared (IR) region
Analysis can be used to reveal underpaintings, underdrawings, obscured or faded inscriptions, to read through embedded dirt, to reveal details of the technique or the changes in composition or any type of intervention, as well as to provide indications for the presence of certain pigments and inks.
Our equipment:
modified Canon XSi camera equipped with the “Pro-HD IR1K” filter (1000nm) |
Micro IR20 Lambda Scientifica 720-1100 nm digital camera is intended for making IR reflectographic analysis giving the possibility to take a photo and display the underlying layers, drawings, inscriptions, traces of the deleted signatures, etc. to the computer screen |
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis
An analytical method to determine the elemental composition of ground, paint layer, identification of the elemental composition of the paper and inks of books and documents as well as analysis of metal objects.
XRF is a non-contact and non-destructive (non-sampling) method of analysis.
Our equipment:
ElvaX-Art XRF spectrometer of Elvatech Company, Ukraine.
Spectrometer has been specially designed for non-destructive study of the art objects.
The device is equipped with a miniature X-ray tube and a semiconductor X-ray detector. The size of the analysis area varies from 0,2 to 1,5 mm and is reproduced on an integrated TFT display with a tenfold increase. The sensor of the device can move along the studied object in three dimensions that allows investigating the composition of the pigments in any point of the picture (or of any other examined object) with high accuracy. The range of the investigated elements starts from sulfur (16) and ends with uranium (92) according to the Periodic Table.
The device is equipped with powerful analytical software with user-friendly interface is an analytical method to determine the the elemental composition of ground, paint layer, identification of the elemental composition of the paper and inks of books and documents as well as analysis of metal objects.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR)
FTIR-ATR is an analytical method for the identification of paint binders, organic dyes and pigments as well as the type of surface varnishes. Studies by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy make it possible to determine the oil binder aging and wood aging degree.
Our equipment:
Vertex70 FTIR spectrometer of Bruker Optics, Germany.
Spectrometer enables to study the minimum quantity of the substance in a sample and identify organic (and sometimes inorganic) components such as binders in painting, the degree of its polymerization, i.e. aging, and organic dyes, varnishes, adhesives, etc.
The instrument is equipped with a Harrick MVP-ProTM adaptor having an ATR element allowing the sample to be examined from both sides without any additional sample preparation (like grinding the sample and pressing it into tablets with KBr) that enables us to study the oil drying in one paint layer both on the surface of the paint layer and inside of it.
Using OPUS 65 software the FTIR spectra can be recorded and processed in the wavelength range of 400-4500 cm-1 with an accuracy of measurement being 0.5 cm-1. The libraries of IR spectra-standards can be also used.